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Project Reports | News around the topics of labeling and
Marking | Product innovations and novelties

b+b labeller performs convincingly for Finnish pharmaceutical company Orion

Orion is a Finnish pharmaceutical company with global operations. Orion develops, produces and markets human and veterinary medicines and active pharmaceutical ingredients. The company is continuously developing new medicines and treatments.

For labelling square bottles, the Finnish pharmaceutical company opted for a labeller from b+b Automations- und Steuerungstechnik GmbH. With the VRM-4S model, square bottles can be labelled on all four sides.

The products are fed to the system via a rotary table. The bottles are conveyed to the labelling station via the conveyor belt. Here, the label is applied to the product with the aid of pressure rollers and folded over at the edges so that all four sides of the bottle are labelled


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