Consumers demand Nutri-Score for extended nutritional labeling | 08/20/20
From November 2020 at the latest, consumers should be able to see at a glance at the packaging of a food whether the food is a healthy diet compared to others. Labeling with the Nutri-Score is and remains voluntary, but companies are expected to implement it across the board.
The Nutri-Score is a five-point scale from A to E that shows the total value for the nutritional value of a product. This is the most helpful and easiest to understand for consumers. The Nutri-Score enables the consumer to better compare foods from the same category. France and Belgium have already introduced the Nutri-Score on the front of the food packaging - in many other countries the introduction is under discussion.
What does the Nutri-Score say?
The Nutri-Score provides the consumer with a real additional benefit and supports him in the healthy choice of food.
The Nutri-Score is a five-point scale from A to E, which shows the nutritional value of a product. The colors (green to red) of the steps help with orientation. To classify a product, the number of calories and nutritionally favorable and unfavorable nutrients are offset against each other.

The Nutri-Score gives the consumer an orientation in the daily choice of food. It makes it possible to compare foods of a product group or the same category with one another with regard to their nutritional value easily and at a glance. The Nutri-Score says nothing about whether a food is healthy or unhealthy. In general, only food that is harmless to health may be placed on the market.
Will the Nutri-Score be introduced as a mandatory label?
In Germany and the entire EU, there has been mandatory nutrition labeling for prepackaged foods since 2016. A further development of nutrition labeling and a procedure for this is provided for in the coalition agreement. The aim of the Federal Food Ministers is to introduce a nutritional labeling system that will help the consumer to choose healthy foods at a glance. The legislative process for the extended nutrition labeling should be completed by autumn 2020 at the latest.
The labeling will be voluntary based on the requirements of European law. However, consumers demand labeling with the Nutri-Score. Many companies have already spoken out in favor of it. So if you have a customer-oriented product and packaging design and want to keep up with the competition, you will not be able to avoid labeling with the Nutri-Score.
Why is advanced nutrition labeling needed?
If consumers can easily identify the procurement of a food in terms of nutrients, orientation and healthy choices are easier. An understandable and clearly visible representation on the front of the food packaging can have a positive effect on product selection and nutrition. The Nutri-Score is understandable for consumers at a glance.
Which nutrition labeling models are used in other countries?
There are various nutritional labeling models around the world with different objectives and target groups. In addition to the introduction of the Nutri-Score, there are three other labeling models up for debate in Germany, which, however, performed worse in the consumer survey compared to the Nutri-Score. The following models were tested: Nutri-Score, BLL model with pie charts, MRI model with honeycomb and keyhole. Each model has different advantages and disadvantages.
An excerpt from the labeling models of other countries:
Great Britain
New Zealand
Nutritional labeling model
British traffic light
Salt warning notice
Health Star Rating
How can companies implement labeling with the Nutri-Scores?
The Nutri-Score should be clearly visible on the front of the food packaging (front-of-pack). For this reason, it is suitable to apply the Nutri-Score to the product with the front label. B + b Automations- und Steuerungstechnik GmbH offers you different solutions and possibilities for the implementation of the extended nutritional labeling with the Nutri-Score:
We would be happy to advise you so that we can work with you to find the most economical solution for labeling your products.